Why do you need a professional insurance broker?
An insurance broker is an insurance intermediate who primarily represents insurers and searches suitable insurance products on their behalf. Insurers who directly purchase insurance products from insurance companies will need to do product comparison themselves. If insurers do not understand the products enough, they would have eventually purchased the wrong products and wasted time. A more beneficial way would be getting help from insurance brokers as they do not represent insurance companies. Focusing on the interests of clients, a professional insurance broker shall offer fair and impartial advice and ensure clients will get the most suitable insurance products.
Merits of Insurance Brokers:
Offer Product Discounts
Possessing close and well-established connections with various insurance companies, insurance brokers can offer more products and discounts by obtaining unique insurance products that are below market price.
Impartial and Devoted
Insurance brokers are strict, cautious and neutral. As they represent clients, the advice that they give is more impartial and objective than insurance agents who represent their respective companies, thus they are able to provide the most premium solutions to their clients. Insurance brokers will make customer satisfaction their priority and will settle disputes by providing reliable information. On the contrary, agents of insurance companies are less inclined to maintain neutrality and impartiality.
Cautious and Meticulous
Transparency, fairness and openness are the principles that insurance brokers uphold. All of the insurance contracts and disclaimers will be elaborated in detail so that the interests are fair and reasonable to clients.
Information Confidentiality
Insurance brokers are obliged to adhere to the code of conduct to ensure the safety and confidentiality of clients’ information.
Regular Provision of Reports
Insurance brokers will prepare regular reports to clients to ensure clients are familiar with the products they purchase and the options in the market, thus greatly saving clients’ time and resources.

What are the roles of a professional insurance broker?
Corporate Clients
- Medical Scheme Consultancy and Administration Support
- Oversees insurance companies in handling any insurance matters
- Ensures insurance companies are underwriting the employee benefits as stipulated in the insurance plan and policy
- Ensures insurance companies are processing the medical claims within a reasonable period
- Confers with insurance companies for any disputable medical claim matters
- Ensures timely update of employee headcount data
- Handles administrative duties of the medical schemes (e.g. collects and submits medical claim documentations, handles enquiries from scheme members, explains the definitions and validity of the related medical schemes)
- Provides regular reports (e.g. benefits usage rate, benefits adequacy rate, trends of general medical fees)
- Provides health seminar regularly
Individual Clients
- Provides the latest market trend and insurance products
- Offers impartial and reliable insurance advice
- Acts in the best interests of clients
- Evaluates clients’ insurance needs regularly

About Times Insurance Consultants Limited
Founded in 1993, Times Insurance Consultants Ltd is a licensed insurance intermediary regulated by Insurance Authority (Licence no.: FB1131) / registered insurance consultant under the Hong Kong Confederation of Insurance Brokers (Registration no.: 0315). By searching diverse insurance products for corporate and individual clients and listening attentively to their needs, Times Insurance has the privilege to offer clients the most competitive insurance products.
- One-stop service platform that provides diverse medical and insurance services
- Well-experienced in the insurance industry
- Unity in the corporate culture
- Commit to excellence for clients’ interests
- Professional and convenient customer services
Service Scope
Employee Benefits
- SME Medical
- Group Medical
- Group Life
Corporate Insurance
- Business Package
- Shop
- Employee’s Compensation
- Public Liability
- Professional Liability
- Property All Risk
- Commercial Car
- Cargo & Freight
- Fire
- MPF (Employee Choice Arrangement)